Monday, December 16, 2013

27, 28, 29 Weeks and Counting

So baby #2 is getting bigger and starting to push more for room.  She keeps a kicking and squirreling around in there which kicks up my heartburn, but I am glad to feel her and reassure me each time she is still just waiting for the right time to come join us.

Last night Conrad and I were talking about the baby and how she is growing bigger and bigger until she is all ready to come out.  He saw pictures of himself as a baby and we talked about how much bigger he has gotten and the same will happen with sister.  Of course he just says why, but it was nice for him to seem to listen to how she is in my belly now and will come out and be a baby soon.

It is getting a lot harder for me to move around and get up and down and all of that now.  Although it was a bit of a task for me to keep myself up when Conrad asked if he could rock his sister with me last night and crawled into my lap wanting me to rock him (while I was just sitting on the floor) I had to do whatever I could.  He is so sweet, he was so tired too.  Conrad missed his nap, well he fell asleep at about 10am on the way to the grocery store.  So he slept for about 20 minutes then would not settle down later.  So by about 6 he was near falling asleep on the couch waiting for his dinner plate to be ready.  He ate then decided to have another burst of stay awake energy and we went down at 7.  He slept until 5:30 but then went bake to sleep in our bed until we woke him at 7 to go.  He must have really needed to just get all caught up with rest.  This amount of sleep like this is just unusual for him, he is usually such a non-sleeper that I figured at 5:30 we might get a half hour more of wiggling then it would be I want milk, I want toons, I want to get up.

In my last post I mentioned the big snow we had.  Here are a couple pictures of our yard after a couple of days with it on the ground.  Of course it finally warmed up and rained so the snow disappeared almost as quickly as it came once that happened, it hung around for a week of mayhem in there.  So now I look at with our office window cracked open to a green quad with the sun shinning on it.

We got our tree this weekend too, yes a little late but that is just how life has been for us this year it seems.  I don't have holiday cards either but I am thinking maybe new years cards can happen.

Conrad helped us put ornaments on and seems to like the lights and recognize Santa when he seems him, but I am sure he has no idea why we are bringing a tree in our house or what will happen with presents next week.  I did bring home something for someone else yesterday that he seemed rather confused about why we got something for a different child and why it wasn't for him or that we were just going to give it to them.

For now it is back to work.  There is no lack of that for either Kris or I, we have both been very busy and even working overtime.  Somehow I think we got all of our Christmas stuff done and are ready for the holiday though.  Well I have not done any goody backing, and don't expect to, so I bought stuff to split out to share here at work, oh well it will all still be yummy I just didn't make it myself.

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