Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Its Raining

Life has been pretty busy at our house.  It has pretty much been one thing after another, good things, but still things.  My sister and niece with their new puppy came for a couple of nights at the beginning of the month.  They were on their way up to my parents for their summer visit.  Then they actually met my parents and all went to Montana for a graduation and stopped at our place for a night on the way back home.  Kris played in a golf tournament over fathers day weekend.  I have gotten up to see his Dad and step mom and to see his mom and step dad.  This past weekend Conrad and I went to a friends birthday party while Kris went to the coast to work on his grandpas cabin.  Work has been so crazy busy for me that I didn't even take a lunch break once last week and have been working from home at night, so it was really no surprise to me when I showed up at the children's museum in Portland for this birthday party a day early.

The pressure has eased just a little at work, we pushed back getting some things out to our units so I am not under such fire to get them done, but I now have two presentations to make next week.  A room of about 90 who have questions and probably complaints.  This could be interesting, but you know, I kinda like this stuff.

This weekend is our garage sale.  I really beginning to think I never should have done this.  Just getting it all together and then sitting there and dickering with people, not fun.  I hope we have a good turn out of customers who buy our stuff and don't argue over the price so much, I mean this is good stuff and I think I am pricing it really fair.

Next week Conrad and I leave for my parents for a week.  That should be fun.  He is at such a stage of talking and crazy cute.  It will be interesting since my sister and niece and their puppy are still there, my mom isn't working and my dads work is slow right now, so with Conrad and I we might all just be on top of each other going a little crazy the whole time.  I am mostly worried about the long car ride and ferry trip.  Conrad and I don't do well in the car together for such long times.

Amongst all of this, we also recently visited the children's museum in Salem, went out to Silver Creek Falls, and visited the zoo.

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