Tuesday, May 21, 2013

New Room

Some of you may know that we have never had a good sleeper on our hands with Conrad.  Recently his sleeping had gone backwards, which may have just been a phase and "normal" for children his age, but this slide led to a domino of events that we can't turn back.  I think it is really okay though.

Conrad was waking multiple times a night at different times and nothing would soothe him.  We would pick him up out of the crib and try to rock him a bit then back to bed, that turned into him not even having it and rocking was out of the question (major fits).  In an effort to survive and get some sleep we started taking him to bed with us or to the guest room where one of us slept with him.  This domino led to where he would sleep in the guest bedroom and we could leave then to he would just sleep in there.

In an effort to get a plan in place for long term and the anticipation that family is coming to visit and we will need that guest bed we tried to have him sleep back in his room.  The crib mattress went onto the floor and we made a little nest of blankets and pillows.  He loved it, to jump and snuggle and be silly on, not to sleep on.  he still was waking up but not as much.  Again maybe this was because it was just a phase and was passing, but he would sleep in the guest room.  Not every night without any waking, but better.

Yes we considered if there was a noise in his room, or something about it or the furniture, we have tried to think of everything, I have also tried nightlight and no nightlight, sound machine, heater and no heater, humidifier and no humidifier, etc...  His sleeping was so sporadic he woke at different times all the time and then would sleep really well one night and then back to not the next that we thought it couldn't be any regular noise that always happened on schedule like a train or the paper delivery.

Anyway we finally decided what to do.  We got him a twin bed.  His own big boy bed.  We set it up in what was the guest room and have now transitioned him to a big boy room.

He has been sleeping pretty well in there.  The first night he woke up and was pretty freaked out but we made him stay in there and either he was testing the waters or just disoriented and scared.  He has woken a couple of time more because he can't find his pacifier, once that is back with him he lays back down to sleep.  He has become an early riser again, 5:30am or so, but when I ask myself if I would rather sleep all night without him in my bed and wake a little before I really need to or if I would want to get that extra half hour of sleep with the alarm at 6am but be up and down all night I will take early riser; and hey, he slept in until 6:30 today.

We will move his name letters and picture in to add more orange accents (and move the TV out).

Right now this is what Conrad's old room looks like.

We are getting rid of old things, moving things around, cleaning out and redoing.  It is a pain, but in the end I think it will be a better fit for our needs overall.  My sister and niece come This weekend so we have to get that queen at least set to be slept on... 

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