Monday, April 10, 2017

April Showers

Good news, Conrad had his MRI and the results came back all clear. In my heart I didn't think they would find anything, but you just don't know, and of course I could not help but be worried. He did have some thickening of  his nasal passages, so he is doing nose spray regularly to help keep those clear.  Because this has gone on so long I didn't think it could be allergies or anything, but maybe he has a hard time breathing. I know I get headaches when my nose is plugged up all of the time.

We saw the eye doctor too.  He is getting glasses, they should be here any day. The prescription is light and he really isn't too bad off, but seeing things far away is blurry and if he has trouble seeing whatever the teacher may be talking about at the front of class or things around the room on the walls it may help him not strain.  She really didn't think this would have to do with the headaches, but it would not hurt.  He picked out some pretty modern glasses and I think will be really cute in them.
We started back to swim lessons again. Mallory loves swimming and has no problem splashing and jumping in with her beginner class.  Conrad is swimming on his own, mostly, but still has the teacher by his side to give him support, confidence, and to guide him to the wall.

My parents actually moved furniture into their new home and slept inside (instead of their travel trailer).  They started unpacking their kitchen stuff and putting things onto shelves.  They still have a lot of stuff to go through and will be sorting out where they want what for some time I am sure, but will get there. We found them outside yesterday pulling weeds in a break in the rain.

Kris and I are once again changing some things in the house to try to use the space completely for our family.  Making our guest room into a family room of sorts and actually having the desk set up to be more usable as a desk.  We started taking about plans for redoing some of the landscaping in the front yard, and well really the back too.  It is that time when we need to get out there and get it back into shape, but it seems like a daunting task ahead.  I'm already aching and tired.

I am being sent to a training at the end of the month and we are hoping Kris will be able to come with me.  It will just be a couple of days in Las Vegas.  I will spend all day in sessions but it would be a nice chance to just get out of town for a couple of nights. It has been awhile since I have been there so it will be nice to see what has changed and warm up in some nicer weather.
 Looking forward to a nice summer full of family fun.

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