Thursday, September 5, 2013

14 Weeks - I Think I Feel the Baby Moving

I am 14 weeks now in this pregnancy and I am pretty sure there have been a couple times I have felt the baby.  I know generally common experience is not until about 16 weeks at the earliest, but I am pretty sure that is what it was.  If so He or She must be a little kicker or something.

At this time the baby can squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck their thumb.  He or she is also stretching out. From head to bottom, he or she measures 3 1/2 inches or about the size of a lemon and weighs 1 1/2 ounces. Also the babies body is growing faster than his or her head and they have a more distinct neck. By the end of week 14, his or her arms will have grown to a length that's in proportion to the rest of his or her body. And while I am not supposed to be able to feel it his or her hands and feet are more flexible and active.

It is strange to think about having another little one in the house.  I am starting to think about how things will be done differently once we have another one here.

Conrad doesn't seem to really understand, but that is not surprising to me.  We talk about the baby in my belly and him being a big brother, but it really doesn't mean much to him at this point.  He is very much interested in his cars and trucks and is obsessed with the movie Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs.  We have it on the Kindle and he wants to watch it again and again.  We also have Ice Age the Meltdown and that one he is not so interested in, so I am not sure if it is the dinosaurs or something about the action in that one that captivates him, but Kris and I are getting pretty sick of it ourselves.

Things are going pretty well here.  Work is busy and ever changing.  Football has started again and we tried taking Conrad.  He did so much better than I expected.  We will try it again this weekend.  Oregon has gone from sunny and 80 (it was 90 Saturday while we were in direct sun at the stadium last week) to now Pouring, I mean Pouring rain, and thunder and lightning.  There goes another roll of thunder and flash of lightning.  Too bad I didn't bring a jacket or umbrella since I thought it would be warm.

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Ketogenic "Keto"

Many of you know that Kris and I started eating by a ketogenic diet. A lot of people haven't heard of this way of eating and have been a...