Friday, April 12, 2013

The Skinny

Conrad has Eczema (skin inflammation).  It seems it has been a never ending always something with him.  We are dealing with a little yeast issue we can't seem to kick and now he started getting this dry scaly rash on his belly and sides that is especially apparent when he gets wet, it seems like it glows red when we go to the pool.  Yep that "rash" is eczema.  The good news is it is no big deal, it will probably clear up on its own and if it is not bothering him than there is really nothing we need to do about it.  Well except maybe limit bath time and try to keep him lotioned, but it isn't harmful so we don't have to worry.  For a kid that LOVES the water this is a blow.  I mean he easily takes half hour baths every other night because he loves to play in the water so much and we have been taking him to the pool pretty regularly.  We will probably pretty much keep letting him do this since the eczema doesn't seem to be bothering him.

As we have continued to struggle with Conrad sleeping we have tried a few different things lately that have now led to him not sleeping in his crib.  As much as I have heard and read to keep "them" in the crib as long as you can we tried putting Conrad's mattress on his bedroom floor and he seems to love it.  Of course now we have this big crib in the way in his room.  While he has still been waking up multiple times a night he is more easily settled back down and is sleeping in his room and not demanding and fitting about going into our bed in order to be settled again.  I really am wondering if he felt to closed in or bothered by the sides of the crib.  He mostly stays on the bed, he flip flops around a bit and has been asleep on the floor and blankets next to the mattress but not up wondering or coming out of his room anyway.  Now Kris and I will have to decide what our plan for his room and bed situation might be.  He seems to just be growing up a little fast, even the doctor said we were likely experiencing some "terrible twos" a little early.

In other news around our house, I sold our couch set!  Okay it was a nice couch and chair set that has been good to us but I have never really been fully happy with it and I have been feeling like we could get something else to fit the room that will also seat more people.  I put a highish price on the set and figured we would just see and well someone bit so it is probably being loaded out of my house right now.  Kris and I went shopping last weekend and I think we found something we both like, we will have to sit on it again and make sure maybe look at a few other options that have come up, but we will be without a couch now so we better get on replacing it with something.

This is what we are thinking of.  Have you heard of a cuddler?  We discovered this furniture option and for our living room layout with the angle it has it works perfectly.  So the end piece you see that is at an angle is a cuddler.  We had thought about a chaise piece but that would come strait out off of the end of the couch and the cuddler offers a larger seat but that angles so you can curl up on it and "cuddle" but it doesn't come out so much in the room.  Anyway it will be fun to have something new to freshen up the house.

We also picked out and bought tile for our kitchen back splash.  We are ordering the counter where the sink is in the kitchen and a new sink.  Once that is installed we can put up all of the tile.  My mom already offered to come back and help, even if that is mostly by just watching Conrad, but she is handy with these sorts of projects so it might be better that she help and I stand back and watch Conrad (okay I can help).

Well life is good right now and I am looking forward to a nice sunny summer, even though I think it is going to go by fast, it already feels like it is packed with plans.  Can't wait!

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