Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Conrad has discovered his wiener.  I am sure he had already found it before now and all, but now he is really trying to figure it out.  I have actually had to ask a few girl friends with boys if their kids did the same sort of discovery because it is much more aggressive than I expected it to be.
I had always sort of heard and known from babysitting and well who knows exactly where else that babies will have a period of discovery and that boys in particular will touch their genitals whenever the opportunity arises because it is conveniently easy to reach while being changed or in the tub for example, and what the heck is this thing? is on their mind.  So when this started to happen pretty regularly I wasn’t all that alarmed, bothered, or concerned, but Conrad began really pulling at it and even to the point of a whiny cry like it is hurting or he has discomfort. 
The most disturbing is when he is taking a bath, he can suddenly stop play all together grab hold of the whole area and pull.  He pulls at it so hard it makes Kris and I wince.  Of course being a man Kris is very concerned about damage and I am just thinking, doesn’t that hurt; so why doesn’t he stop?
I began to worry that this was more than just the normal discovery and that the area in fact itched or had some kind of issue we should be concerned about.  We have investigated, we have powdered, we have creamed, but I have determined it really is just a confusing and curious body part he is trying to figure out.
One thing that is true is that Conrad is a rather intense kid.  He doesn’t seem to be laid back about much, he is full bore into whatever it is he is doing, fights for what he wants, and is go go go.  He can be playing with his cars driving them on the coffee table one moment and suddenly stiffen up and throw them to the ground the next,  if for whatever reason (still mostly unknown reasons to us) he doesn’t want us sitting in any certain spot in the living room he will come over and tug at you or push you as hard as he can muster indicating he wants you to move.  What makes this so nice is that if you do move he does not necessarily want to sit in that spot or doesn’t tug you to follow somewhere he wanted you to go with him, so why he wanted you to not be in that spot is an unknown reasons to us.  So his hands on aggressive approach to this new thing should not be all that surprising.

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