Friday, December 5, 2014

Oh My Go*!

Happy winter!  Fall has flown right by and it is already that time again, when Kris struggles with working lights to put on the house and I think we should just skip the trouble of the tree, but we never do.  So far we have one strand of lights in the windows, one strand around the front patio, and the white one foot ceramic Christmas tree on the shelf, not plugged in.  Maybe we will be able to get a tree this weekend, but since we will be in Washington for the holiday time is quickly getting away from us before we won't even be here to enjoy it.

Conrad is fully potty trained now.  He wants to get on and off the toilet by himself too.  He wears a pull up at night, but he has been doing great with that being dry in the morning too.  Switching the brain to not peeing freely seems to have taken care of night time too.  He new favorite phrase is "Oh my God!"  Yes God.  I am sure this is no thanks to me.  I say this in frustration along with occasional other choice words I really don't want him to say, so I am happy with Oh my god, even if the god part might make some people cringe.
Conrad is at a really fun age now.  He is very interested in knowing about things, his vocabulary is expanding, and he comes up with some cute thoughts.   He is pretty attached to mommy these days though and only I can put him to bed and help him in the bathroom, if needed.

Mallory is crawling all over.  She is couch surfing and gets herself around where she needs to go.  She wants to grab at everything.  Her two front bottom teeth are in and have been, in the last week her two top poked through and are on their way.  Her hair is starting to fill in and get longer, so she has just a few little curls in the back now.  Dada is still her go to word, she really doesn't say mama.  Sometimes I think she says brother though.  She is fully sleeping in her crib on her own, but she does still wake up two or three times a night and need a bottle, a change, or maybe a little rock back to sleep.


Kris and I have both been busy with work, Kris and been enjoying the Beaver football season, even thought the team did not prevail this year and lost.  I have been getting out a bit here and there and enjoying time with my girlfriends.  I have been to three social art spot parties which allows me to do some painting, even if it is instructed painting and not my own free design.

This year Conrad and Mallory are going to my parents with them a few days before Christmas so Kris and I will have a few days without any kids.  I am hoping while they are gone and can work on the painting I want to do for our living room.  I have been thinking of doing a barn to go next to the wonderful painting my uncle did so many years ago of the Roche Harbor store.  We will see.  If I don't do this maybe I will do Mallory's baby book.  She is definitely a second child since I have not kept that up for her at all.

Hope you all have a happy holiday season and we can see you all soon.

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